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If you find it harder to get into gear and you’re experiencing sluggish acceleration your clutch may need replacing.

Clutch replacements are not part of MOTs or annual services, so other than garage receipts you won’t know its age.

Depending on your vehicle’s make and model, your clutch should last for between 50,000 and 70,000 miles.

Clutches explained

The most common problem with clutches is that friction linings on the discs wear out, leading to a full or partial replacement, which we can assess.

When clutches start wearing out the clutch will start to slip and eventually it won’t be able to transmit any power from the engine to the wheels.

With failing clutches you will also notice that the ‘bite point’ of the clutch will get progressively higher until it fails altogether.

Clutch wear occurs when the clutch disc and the flywheel are spinning at different speeds, often the result of slipping the clutch.

When you release the clutch the clutch disc and flywheel are held together by friction and your vehicle starts moving.

If gears are not engaged correctly or gear changes are erratic and the clutch is slipped on a regular basis it will cause excessive wear.